GORGOROTH Announce More European Dates
In November, Norwegian black metallers GORGOROTH will embark on what will be the second leg […]
By Dimitris Kontogeorgakos
September 23, 2010
In November, Norwegian black metallers GORGOROTH will embark on what will be the second leg of the 'Quantos Possunt Ad Satanitatem Trahunt' Tour 2010 in Europe. The itinerary is as follows:
20 - Prague, Czech Republic - Meet Factory
21 - Bratislava, Slovakia - Majestic Music Club
22 - Ljubljana, Slovenia - Metelkova
23 - Schio (Vicenza), Italy - Mac 2
24 - Bulle, SWitzerland - Ebullition
25 - Caen, France - Cargo
26 - Brugge, Belgium - Magdalenazaal
Support acts and more dates will be announced soon.
Source: www.TheGauntlet.Com
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