GODZORDER: Single "Trademark" released for download

And the thrashers GODZORDER end up releasing to download their first single, "Trademark" can be […]
April 20, 2014

And the thrashers GODZORDER end up releasing to download their first single, "Trademark" can be downloaded for free at this link: https://bit.ly/1e38CzU

On the last Sunday GODZORDER opened the show Americans the Havok in Limeira / SP, where it was taken a series of exclusive photos, which you can check out the following link: https://on.fb.me/1ifM7DS

Enjoy and check out more live video of GODZORDER, this time made by a fan in the 15/02 day in "Grape Festival" in Jundiaí/SP: https://bit.ly/1fYuA2u

Renato Junior
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