GOAT HORN: Confirmed As National Final Special Guest Headliner For WACKEN METAL BATTLE CANADA
April 6, 2015
WACKEN METAL BATTLE CANADA is proud to announce GOAT HORNas the special guest headliner at this year's national final on June 6th in Toronto, ON at the Opera House. The national final will consist of Canada's top metal talents who are finalists from over 120 battling bands from BC (Vancouver vs. Victoria - Winner TBA), Alberta (Edmonton vs. Calgary - Winner TBA), Ontario (Toronto vs. Ottawa - Winner TBA), Quebec (Montreal vs. Quebec City - Winner TBA) and the Prairie winner Endless Chaos from Winnipeg, MB.
"We're very stoked to have the mighty and elusiveGoat Horn as our guest headliner this year. Metalheads in attendance will be treated with a rare and special performance, all in the name of Canadian metal!" comments WMBC organizer JJ Tartaglia.
Upcoming Battles:
BC Final (Vancouver vs. Victoria)
April 10, 2015 @ Rickshaw Theatre, 254 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC
Event Link: https://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1167252&sid=231442624&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fevents%2F1601480966751177%2F
Bushwhacker (Vancouver)
Unbeheld (Vancouver)
Resurgence (Vancouver)
Medevil (Vancouver)
Torrefy (Victoria)
Toronto Semi-Final #1
April 18, 2015 @ Rivoli, 334 Queen St W, Toronto, ON
Event Link: https://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1167252&sid=231442624&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fevents%2F1689069487986718%2F
Midnight Malice
Call Of The Wild
Black Absinthe
Alberta Final (Edmonton vs. Calgary)
April 18, 2015 @ The Pawn Shop, 10551 82 Avenue Northwest, Edmonton, AB
Event Link: https://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1167252&sid=231442624&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fevents%2F679157078855069%2F
Dethgod (Calgary)
AfterEarth (Calgary)
Arrival of Autumn (Grande Prairie)
Bleed (Edmonton)
Quebec Final (Montreal vs. Quebec City)
April 23, 2015 @ Katacombes, 1635 Boulevard Saint-Laurent, Montreal, QC
Event Link: https://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1167252&sid=231442624&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fevents%2F316905555181858%2F
Sanguine Glacialis (Montreal)
Mad Parish (Montreal)
Decadawn (Montreal)
Nordheim (Quebec City)
Toronto Semi-Final #2
April 25, 2015 @ Hard Luck, 772 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ON
Event Link: https://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1167252&sid=231442624&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fevents%2F365031283682318%2F
Hallows Die
A Scar For The Wicked (Ottawa Winner)
Apokalyptik Warrior
National Final
June 6, 2015 @ Opera House, 735 Queen Street East, Toronto, ON
Endless Chaos (Winnipeg)
Wacken Metal Battle Canada is part of an international competition where band's from across the country inVictoria, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, and Quebec City will battle eachother for one to be selected and join over 30 other countriesfor an international battle of the bands at the world's largest outdoormetal festivalWacken Open Air, which has been taking place in Wacken , Germany for the last 25 years.Toronto's Crimson Shadows (2013 winners -videoat Wacken)and Montreal's Mutank (2014 winners -videoat Wacken) have hadthat honour playing in front of thousands. This year's festival will betaking place from July 30th to August 1st.
How it works:
Each city will hold their qualifying rounds plus city finals from the months of Januaryto May 2015 selecting the top band to move forward to the national finals in Toronto, ON in June (date to be determined) with one being selected to perform at the 26th edition of Wacken Open Air taking place from July 30th to August 1st. All bands will be judged during battle rounds by respected local music industry.
The finalists will be selected as follows.
1 finalist fromBC (Vancouver & Victoria will face off)
1 finalist from Alberta (Calgary & Edmonton will face off)
2 finalists from Toronto, ON
1 finalist from Quebec (Montreal & Quebec City will face off)
1 finalist from Ottawa, ON
1 finalist from Saskatoon or Winnipeg (Saskatoon and Winnipeg will face off)
Wacken Metal Battle Canada Promo Video:https://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1167252&sid=231442624&url=http%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FgQcxqsxchkQ
Wacken Metal Battle 2014 Canada Finals byOndeschocs.com:https://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1167252&sid=231442624&url=http%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FRrOGyBtqwaQ
For more info onMetal Battle Canada, visit these links:
Official Website:https://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1167252&sid=231442624&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.metalbattle.ca%2F
For more info on Wacken Open Air, please visithttps://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1167252&sid=231442624&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wacken.com
Rehearsal Factory 'https://rehearsalfactory.com
FACTOR 'https://www.factor.ca ("We acknowledge the financial support of Canada's Private Radio Broadcasters")
Pearl Drums 'https://pearldrum.com
Boonsdale Records 'https://www.boonsdalerecords.com
TicketFly 'https://www.ticketfly.com
Long & McQuade 'https://www.long-mcquade.com
Dungeonworks 'https://www.facebook.com/dungeonworksprods
The Invisible Orange 'https://www.theinvisibleorange.com
Concertworks 'https://www.concertworks.ca
Big Nate Productions 'https://www.calgarymetalfest.com
Vertebrae 33 (Design & Illustration) -https://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1167252&sid=231442624&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vertebrae33.com
Glen Robinson (Producer) -https://glenrobinson.tumblr.com
Apartment 2 Recording -https://www.facebook.com/Apartment2
Media Sponsors:
Absolute Underground 'https://www.facebook.com/groups/10034445807
Adrenaline 101 Radio -https://www.adrenaline101radio.com
Asher Media Relations 'https://www.ashermediarelations.com
Beatroute Magazine 'https://www.beatroute.ca
Bravewords 'https://www.bravewords.com
Broken Neck Radio 'https://www.BrokenNeckRadio.com
Bucketlist Music Reviews -https://www.bucketlistmusicreviews.com
Canadian Death Metal -https://www.facebook.com/CanadianDeathMetal
Chronic Aggression 'https://www.facebook.com/ChronicAggressionRadio
CJLO 'https://www.cjlo.com
Crown of Viserys -https://crownofviserys.wordpress.com
Exclaim! 'https://www.exclaim.ca
Governor's Ball 'https://www.thegovernorsball.com
Hammer Smashed Radio -https://www.facebook.com/hammersmashedradio
Heavy Metal ICU -https://www.heavymetalicu.com
Hellbound 'https://www.Hellbound.ca
LiveVan.com -https://www.livevan.com
Loaded Radio 'https://www.loadedradio.com
Metal Master Kingdom 'https://www.metalmasterkingdom.com
Metal Nation Radio 'https://www.metalnationradio.com
Metal-Rules 'https://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1167252&sid=231442624&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.metal-rules.com
Moose Radio -https://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1167252&sid=231442624&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.moosecrueradio.com
Muzik Injection - https://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1167252&sid=231442624&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.muzikinjection.com
Ondes Chocs 'https://www.facebook.com/OndesChocs
Pure Grain Audio 'https://www.puregrainaudio.com
Quebec-Metal 'https://www.quebec-metal-archives.blogspot.ca
Scene Magazine 'https://www.thescenemagazine.ca
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