GEORGE KOLLIAS: Signs With Season Of Mist
February 17, 2015
Season of Mist have announced the signing of GEORGE KOLLIAS! The exceptional Greek drum progeny and NILE percussionist will release his solo album debut 'Invictus' through this label on the 18th of May 2015. Pre-sales will start soon.
GEORGE KOLLIAS comments: "I am extremely happy to be a part of the Season of Mist family and so excited for the release of myfirst album! I strongly feel this is going to be a very successful and productive cooperation between meand this label with a common goal: to deliver the best music we can to all of you out there!I would like to thank everyone at Season of Mist for all their support and for helping me with the release ofmy first album. It means a lot to me and I will make sure to work even harder for more great musicfor all of you!!"
Regarding 'Invictus' the drummer, who is regarded as one of the world's best by his peerssays the following: "This solo project containsexactly what the word 'solo' describes: one musician writing all music and lyrics as well asperforming all the instruments, while inviting some guests to join. At first I composed some songs in order to support my 2 drum DVDs,but thanks to the support and demand from all the fans out there it turned intoa fullalbum over time. I can honestly say, the only reason I have recorded this album is the fans asked for this to happen. I am happy that I did it and more excited than ever for the future of this project! Ienjoyed recording it more than anything. I have got some great plans for my project. I want to get out thereand play this album live as soon as possible too! I also had to pleasure to have some really importantguests, which made this album even more special to me. I guarantee that this is onlythe beginning!!"
GEORGE KOLLIAShas previously released a teaser, which you can check out here:
Through hiswebsiteandFacebook,GEORGE KOLLIAShas already revealed the art-work of 'Invictus', which can be viewed below.
GEORGE KOLLIAS is a world class touring drummer, who is also renowned for his drum clinicsand teaching skills atLAB Music Education and the ModernMusic School in Athens, Greece. He is also a member of the legendary US death metal actNILE and currently in studio.
Born in August 1977, he started at the age of ten as a guitar player andpicked up the drum set at the age of twelve. George's prowess as a composershowed upback in 1994 with his first death metal band EXTREMITY OBSESSION,where he serves as drummer and vocalistat the same time.
On his first instructional drum DVD 'Intense Metal Drumming'. George started gettingback into song writing mode. Someof his tracks were enthusiastically welcomed by the metal community. Over a million views on YouTube compelledhim to compose more music for hissecond DVD 'Intense Metal Drumming II'. Most of these songs were entirely performed by the Greek musician, who also used themin several drum clinics and some of the biggest percussion festivals around the globe. This created avery strong fan base who, which enthusiastically requested afull album.
In early 2014,GEORGE KOLLIAS went intostudio to record his first full album, which he aptly named 'Invictus'. Most of the songs wererecorded in between the touring breaks of NILE. The album contains 11 tracksand 4 bonus songs as well asfeatures of some of the best musicians on this planet deliveringguest solos. Two amazing vocalists aremaking their appearance on two of the bonus tracks as well. More will soon be revealed.
In George's own words: "This album is not only about drums, although I made sure that my drummingis absolutely out of control. It is all about music and that is it.I have made my solo record with a lotof passion and dedicationfor all the fans out there and I feel blessed to have some of my best friendsappearing as guests on it. 'Invictus' turnedout exactly in the way as I had wished forand Ican assure you that this is just the beginning! There are alot of great things to come!"
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