GATEWAY: Death/doom metal band come up with a crushing full length

We've been waiting a long time for the Belgian death/doom band Gateway's follow-up release and […]
April 13, 2023

We've been waiting a long time for the Belgian death/doom band Gateway's follow-up release and couldn't be happier with what the band has come up with over here! Their kind of death/doom is utterly crushing and also drenched in an eerie, medieval atmosphere. Please make sure to listen to the two tracks streaming here!

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Rising like a mythical creature summoned from the unplumbed abyssal depths, Gateway immediately takes to stomping on hapless souls on land, gaining momentum despite its immeasurable girth and flattening objects into oblivion. Covered in slime and rot, the fearsome, inexorable entity reeks of a primordial evil conjured only by forbidden rituals. The Belgian band harnesses the power of both death and doom metal to unleash a catastrophe of biblical proportions, ruthless in its execution and dealing powerful blows with finality. The music plods on with wicked fervour, driven solely by purpose, and it doesn't take long for the act to complete. 'Galgendood' is imbued with a sense of medieval ritualistic horror and primal barbarism and offers an engrossing and delightfully punishing experience, something that few bands are able to pull off with conviction, not to mention sheer might. Albums such as this one are conjured up very rarely, and they are every bit as good as one would imagine them to be.

For fans of: Disembowelment, Coffins, Incantation, Krypts, Mortiferum, Spectral Voice, Undergang

Line up -
R - Everything
MH - Additional leads

Painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Additional illustrations Martin Schongauer

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Track listing -
1. The Coexistence Of Dismal Entities
2. Sacrificial Blood Oath In The Temple Of K'zadu
3. Nachtritueel (Evocation)
4. Scourged At Dawn
5. Bog Bodies Near The Humid Crypt
6. Galgendood - Dagritueel - Duvelsput

Official release date - July 21st, 2023

Official Site
Gateway Bandcamp
New EU Store
US Indiemerch Store
Gateway Facebook

Transcending Obscurity Records
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