GABRIELE BELLINI: Presented Officially The New Video "Endangered" Of Through Quarock Records

On November 4, 2014 Quarock Recordsunveiled the official video for "ENDANGERED" the teacher, guitarist,producer and […]
December 2, 2014

On November 4, 2014 Quarock Recordsunveiled the official video for "ENDANGERED" the teacher, guitarist,producer and record Gabriele Bellini.

It's a swirling soundjourney where nothing is missing: electric guitars and acousticlashes, electronic atmospheres, energy, sweat, backbeat and rebounds,enclosed in a neutral impact metal.

Endangered is taken from "30 Years" and "Quarock Shots" and wasdirected by Adriano Giottiincollaboration with Multiversodanza Quarrata.

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Giornale Metal
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