FURYON: Signs With Dream Records, New Album Release

OnChristmas Eve, onCLASSIC ROCK MAGAZINE's websiteFURYON's first new video 'THESE FOUR WALLS' will be Premiered. […]
December 11, 2014

OnChristmas Eve, onCLASSIC ROCK MAGAZINE's websiteFURYON's first new video 'THESE FOUR WALLS' will be Premiered.
FOLLOWING THIS ON THE FORTHCOMING MAGAZINE ISSUE#206 An EXCLUSIVEFURYON COVERMOUNT IS PRESENTED! 'LOST SALVATION' EP featuring 4 new tracks from the band. Exclusive review on the Album and interview bringingFURYONnews bang up to date!

'Lost Salvation EP' tracks:
1. These Four Walls
2. Lost Salvation
3. Scapegoat
4. Dematerialised

The song 'These Four Walls' will be also featured on the 'Ones to Watch'CD, which will go out on all copies of theClassic Rock Magazine UK.
"Lost Salvation" was recorded in Atlanta, US and Brighton, UK and mixed and produced byRick Beato(Shinedown,Fozzy) &Ken'GL'Lanyon.

Matt Mitchell ' Vocals
Alex "Nickel" Bowen ' Bass
Lee Farmery ' Drums
Luca Faraone ' Guitars
Tiago Rosado ' Guitars

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