FURTHERIAL: to release "Destroying Atropolis" on May the 13th - 2014 via Wormholedeath

We are proud to announce that turkish Melodic Death/Thrash combo Furtherial just signed a deal […]
April 6, 2014

We are proud to announce that turkish Melodic Death/Thrash combo Furtherial just signed a deal with Wormholedeath for worldwide's release of their long-awaited debut album "Destroying Atropolis".

Furtherial was founded in 2007 by Baser Çelebi, under the name of Extinction in Istanbul / Turkey. After having recorded a self-produced demo in 2008, the band was forged into the Turkish metal scene. The name "Furtherial" was generated by band's leader Baser Çelebi, inspired by the word "further". That word expresses the "after life" and the "other side". So Furtherial has a meaning like "something that belongs to the further, coming from the other side."

The band recorded their first album "Destroying Atropolis" in autumn 2013 and the release date is now finally set for May the 13th 2014 via The Orchard

Tracklist :

1- Shadow's Riot
2- Death Come Closer
3- Storyteller
4- Sworn For Revenge
5- When Angels Kill
6- The Newborn
7- One With The Flames
8- Longing Spirit
9- Embrace
10- Defeat

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