FROZEN CROWN: To Release "Crowned In Frost."

Crowned In Frost' is the new album from Frozen Crown, coming a year after the […]
January 25, 2019

Crowned In Frost' is the new album from Frozen Crown, coming a year after the very successful debut 'The Fallen King', which gave the band huge media exposure (over one million views for the single 'Kings' and two and a half million views for the 4 singles collectively) and brought a deal with international booking agency Nine Lives Entertainment among many other accomplishments.

This time mastermind and songwriter Federico Mondelli amplified the Classic/Heavy and Power Metal components of the band, making 'Crowned In Frost' an aggressive and monolithic album from the very beginning, still keeping the listener engaged with its rich sound and wide variety of songs, including instrumental interludes and outstanding female vocals, brought to life by talented Giada "Jade" Etro.

As with the first album, Federico wrote the music and recorded all guitars and keyboards (being an all-round artist he designed the beautiful artwork as well), whilst the drum parts were arranged by drummer Alberto Mezzanotte. Lyrics are once again the result of the joint efforts of Giada and Federico. Production duties have been handled by Andrea Fusini. The tracklist is as follows:

1. Arctic Gales
2. Neverending
3. In The Dark
4. Battles In The Night
5. Winterfall
6. Unspoken
7. Lost In Time
8. The Wolf And The Maiden
9. Forever
10. Enthroned
11. Crowned In Frost

'Crowned In Frost' broadens Frozen Crown's musical landscape still keeping intact an uncommon taste for melody and catchy refrains. The album will be released on March 22, 2019 on Scarlet Records.

Scarlet Records
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