FRENZY: Releasing Debut Album 'Blind Justice.'

Madrid (Spain) - Traditional heavy metal rockers FRENZY will release debut album Blind Justice February […]
January 29, 2019

Madrid (Spain) - Traditional heavy metal rockers FRENZY will release debut album Blind Justice February 4 on Underground Power Records.

Self-admitted Heavy Metal and Comics fanatics and fronted by U.S. born singer Anthony Stephen, FRENZY has successfully created a fresh approach to the traditional style accompanied by great lyrics focused on comic books and graphic novels such as Daredevil, From Hell, The Killing Joke, Silver Surfer, X-Men, and others. This band truly is the perfect union of Heavy Metal and Comics, combining the "larger than life" and epic aspects of Heavy Metal with those of the Comic Book classics, as well as the urban culture common to both worlds. Those elements together form the FRENZY universe.

The graphic work of Mike Mora (Heavy Metal Magazine) and Javier Pastor (Evil Rite) on Blind Justice is the perfect match for this music, resulting in a holistic listening experience.

"Save Me" (Official Video)

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"From Hell" (Lyric Video)

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"Let me make something clear before we even start: this is simply a new sensation on matters of old-school, traditional heavy metal."

-Lords of Metal

Blind Justice Track Listing:

Blind Justice
From Hell
Killing with a Smile
Save Me
Twilight of the Sapiens
We are the Future
Mad Ball
Waiting on your Call
Annihilated by my Sound
Shred or Die

Frenzy is:

Anthony Stephen: Vocals
Angel Muñoz "Choco": Bass
Víctor Díaz: Guitars
Luis Pinedo: Guitars
David Ontanaya: Drums

Clawhammer PR
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