FORMOSA: Signing with Metalville Records

With FORMOSA we welcome another great band to the Metalville family. Formosa, three young men, […]
December 2, 2019

With FORMOSA we welcome another great band to the Metalville family.

Formosa, three young men, on stage together since their Bodensee school days in Southern Germany, now landed in Essen in the Ruhr area, is a band that is not ashamed of nudity. Please what?

That's right, Formosa have undressed their music, they themselves call it "Hard and Heavy".

And while with similar groups the motto is often: higher, more pompous, more garish, Formosa return to the state of nature, which is: an electric guitar, a bass, a drum set - music in loincloth so to speak.

Already on the first two albums "Tight & Sexy" (2016) and "Sorry for Being Sexy" (2018) the band showed that the reduction is the biggest thing about their songs. Drums, Riffs and enough space for some unusual hooks.

For 2020 the band has announced their third studio album in collaboration with Metalville Records. Therefore they barricaded themselves in a studio in Antwerp with Martin Furia (Vanderbuyst, Destruction) to record their best album so far. With the mission to revive the feeling of the 80s, which the three guys know only from legends and stories, and to transport it into the year 2020.

Nik Bird - Bass/Vocals
Nik Beer- Guitars
Paris Jay ' Drums

Tight & Sexy" (2016)
Sorry for Being Sexy (2018)

Metalville Records
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