FOREDOOMED: Release New Single "Worldfire."

Finnish melodeath band Foredoomed released a single called 'Worldfire' from their upcoming second album. The […]
March 2, 2019

Finnish melodeath band Foredoomed released a single called 'Worldfire' from their upcoming second album. The band combines heavier death metal to more delicate segments, where the keyboards and large melodies create the band their unique style. The Worldfire single tells a deep story which can be compared to the story of Icarus.

Foredoomed makes the upcoming album like they've used to; at home. This is to show that dreams can be chased even on a smaller budget, and thus the band tries to do everything by themselves at first. Band members are able to do all of the audio recording as well as editing the videos and images. But occasionally, for example with photo shoot, some help was received from friends. Small band's budget is limited so the money must be invested with consideration.

"For vocal recording we created a booth from extra PVC-pipes, cable ties, and blankets. We named it the 'Bermuda Triangle'", band's frontman Atte says.

The 'Bermuda Triangle' mentioned by Atte:

Recording of all instruments and vocals will take place at home without any expensive studios. Modern technology offers great opportunities for making music; you just have to spend time learning things. As a result of years of persistent work, the singer-guitarist Atte mixes the songs in order to create the band's very own sound.

The band doesn't do everything by themselves however: "Mastering is one area where we rely on someone outside of the band. In Worldfire's case we turned to Mika Jussila's solid experience, and we are very pleased with the results", bassist Eetu tells.

How the band succeeded? Listen to 'Worldfire' here:

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