FORBIDDEN Report From The Studio

California thrashers FORBIDDEN posted the following update from the working process on the forthcoming album. […]
By Dimitris Kontogeorgakos
April 7, 2010

California thrashers FORBIDDEN posted the following update from the working process on the forthcoming album.

Monday March 15th:
The day started by finishing "Immortal Wounds" from the night before. Once the was finished we jumped into a song called "Behind The Mask". It is the first collaboration of riffs that [FORBIDDEN guitarist Steve] Smyth and I put together. It was a dark horse going into the record, but I think it"s a really good song. At times it reminds me at times of "Step By Step" [a track off of FORBIDDEN's 1990 "Twisted Into Form" album] and Russ [Anderson, vocalist] wrote a great melody for it and it has an amazing clean/flamenco section in the middle section after a Steve [Smyth] solo that really shines, very melodic. The chorus is monster!

Tuesday March 16th:
Matt [Camacho, bassist] came in on Tuesday and got a bass tone and started working on "Omega Wave" for a little while. But we realized that if we were going to take any time to switch gears and get into bass, it was going to take valuable time away from guitar world. So Matt was gracious enough to agree and we made some rough [track]s for him to work with and we got back to guitar. His time is coming up soon and he's itching to go! So the first song I got into was "Adapt Or Die", obviously we did a demo of it already. This version sounds much tighter and stronger and it was pretty easy to lock into. It made me realize how cool that song really is. That was the first one I wrote when committing to writing this record. I good launching point, I think.

Wednesday March 17th:
The next song I got into was "Inhuman Race". I have a strong feeling that our European fans will LOVE this song. It has that kinda swing to it where you can pick up your beer steins and smash them together! Overall it"s pretty easy to play, but the middle section has some really tricky picking in it. It didn't take very long to nail it down.

Then we jumped into "Dragging My Casket". That song was spawned by a combination of Matt [Camacho, bassist] and Russ [Anderson, vocalist] bringing some ideas in. It morphed into one of the more epic songs on the record. It has everything from blast beats to acoustic breakdowns and the heaviest riffs on the record, in my opinion. It is a huge challenge to play! I got almost all the way through it and decided to come back the next day to finish. Our manager Tambre and [FORBIDDEN drummer] Mark Hernandez came down to hang out for a while. It was great to see anyone else from the band at all! We"d been holed up in the studio for a while by then.

Source: www.MySpace.Com/ForbiddenOfficial

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