FLOTSAM AND JETSAM Part Ways With Guitarist Mark Simpson

Following the news that for the first time in 14 years, guitarists Michael Gilbert and […]
By Maria Voutiriadou
December 13, 2010

Following the news that for the first time in 14 years, guitarists Michael Gilbert and Ed Carlson will be performing together on FLOTSAM AND JETSAM's upcoming Mexican dates, it has now been announced that guitarist Mark Simpson will be leaving the band after 13 years. His statement reads as follows:

"I've decided to leave the band. No bad blood at all, of course. Those guys are my brothers, nothing will ever change that and I will continue to support them always. I'm ridiculously happy "The Cold" is doing so well in the press and with the fans but I'm just taking this moment to move on and try something new. It's as simple as that. Thanks to everyone that I've had a chance to work with and a huge thank you to all the passionate and loyal fans that I had the honor to meet over the years. Buy "The Cold"! Flots out."

FLOTSAM AND JETSAM will be performing in Mexico City on January 15th and 16th at Club Caradura.

Source: www.BraveWords.Com

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