FLESHREAPER: Sign to Horror Pain Gore Death Productions; "Blue Skies Laced With Pesticide" set for release on December 7th
November 14, 2018
Horror Pain Gore Death Productions havesignedFlorida's corpse thrashing Death PunksFleshreaperand are set to release their new album entitled "Blue Skies Laced With Pesticide" December 7thon CD and Digital formats.Below is the official description:
Fleshreaper return to Horror Pain Gore Death Productions with the full length album "Blue Skies Laced With Pesticide"! Hailing from Tampa Bay Florida, Fleshreaper perform corpse thrashing, raw Death Punk from the grave. Following up on 2016's album 'Casketastrophe', "Blue Skies..." features fourteen tracks of intense, catchy and vile, horrific madness! Fleshreaper consists of Tony Anderson from Generichrist and Doomsilla, as well as current/former members of Massacre, The Crucifucks, Human Sufferage and Bandwhore. A must have release for fans of Abscess, The Accused, Dwarves, The Lurking Corpses, Violation Wound and Zeke
Pre-order the CD for only $10 with free shipping athttps://www.horrorpaingoredeath.com/store/hpgd184.html
Pre-order the Digital Download for only $6.66 athttps://hpgd.bandcamp.com/album/blue-skies-laced-with-pesticide
Pre-order the Album Art T-Shirt for only $15 athttps://hpgd.bandcamp.com/merch/fleshreaper-blue-skies-laced-with-pesticide-t-shirt
Pre-order the Dance With The Reaper T-Shirt for only $15 athttps://hpgd.bandcamp.com/merch/fleshreaper-dance-with-the-reaper-t-shirt
Listentothe track "Of Rotten Mind" at

1. Of Rotten Mind
2. Face In The Window
3. Mental Waste
4. Ghosts Of Highway Dead (Thrill Ride)
5. Lunatics Eye
6. Soul Divided
7. The Magicians Grudge
8. She Worships Death
9. King Of The Whores
10. Blue Skies Laced With Pesticide
11. Armies Of The Dead
12. Rotting In The Corner Of Hell
13. Abducted By Shadows
14. Graveyard Graffiti
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