FEED HER TO THE SHARKS: Stream New Single With Hysteria Magazine

"Chasing Glory", the new track from Australia's FEED HER TO THE SHARKS, can be heard […]
January 29, 2015

"Chasing Glory", the new track from Australia's FEED HER TO THE SHARKS, can be heard exclusively at Hysteria Magazine. The second single comes from their new album Fortitude, available February 10[sup]th[/sup]. The band also took over Hysteria's Instagram account today so be on the lookout for some behind the scenes journeys with the guys.

Listen here: Feed Her to the Sharks premiere Chasing Glory | Hysteria Magazine

As the song professes, "It's never too late to chase the glory!always searching", drummer Andrew Cotterell tells us, "'Chasing Glory' is about following your dreams and striving towards what you are passionate about. Even when other people are doubtful, stay true to yourself and never give up!". Kim Choo, guitar/synth, continues, "'Chasing Glory' is my favourite track from Fortitude. I believe it really captures the direction we are taking our music, and I can't wait for the fans to hear it!".

The first single from Fortitude, "The World Is Yours", is out now. Fans can get an in-depth look at what went on into creating their Victory Records debut with the first installment of "Making Of Fortitude".

Fortitude will be available in-stores and digitally everywhere on February 10[sup]th[/sup], but fans can pre-order the album now.

Victory Records
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