FALL HAS COME: Announce Russian Tour Dates In March.

Italian alternative rock group Fall Has Come have announced 5 dates taking in major cities […]
February 15, 2019

Italian alternative rock group Fall Has Come have announced 5 dates taking in major cities of Russia. Having toured extensively in Eastern Europe (including Russia) throughout 2018, the band are taking the opportunity to capitalize on their growing fan base and return to a country that gave them such a warm welcome last time around. The bands set will still feature many tracks from their last full-length album Nowhere, while the band also aim to air new tracks that have been in gestation over the last year.

Upcoming Tour Dates:

06.03 | Saint Petersburg, RUS | Zoccolo 2.0
07.03 | Velikiy Novgorod, RUS | Papa Bar
08.03 | Obninsk, RUS | Bar Bah
09.03 | Ivanovo, RUS | Bunker
10.03 | Moscow, RUS | Frakcia

Fall Has Come are:

Enrico Bellotta ' Vocals | Enrico Pasarella ' Guitar | Raffaele Giacobbone ' Guitar | Salvatore Laurella ' Drums | Alberto Laurella ' Bass

Fall Has Come ' Nowhere

The 10 songs from Nowhere represent the very soul of Fall Has Come and the lyrics talk about many human feelings in a stronger and more direct way than their debut. Subjects such as love, time, death and faith are present in songs like Believe, Breathless, Carillion and more. The songs are designed to create the sense of being in, or part of, a movie and as such Nowhere functions as a kind of soundtrack to life. The sense of freedom and of "Nowhere" is the very essence of it. Read more about Nowhere !here

Get your copy of Nowhere from: Shop Sliptrick | iTunes | & many more


Nowhere | Released December 2nd, 2017 on Sliptrick Records


Grand Sounds PR
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