EXODUS: METALLICA's Kirk Hammet Performs With the band At 'Fear FestEvil After Party'
July 30, 2014
Fan-filmed video footage ofMETALLICAguitaristKirk Hammettperforming theBLUE ÖYSTER CULTclassic"Godzilla"with his first band,EXODUS, on Friday, July 25 at atKirk's"Fear FestEvil After Party"at theSan Diego Comic-Con Internationalcan be seen below.
Hammetthas revealed toRollingStone.comthat he recently laid down a guitar solo on song"Salt In The Wound"on"Blood In, Blood Out", the new album fromEXODUS. "It felt really casual, really cool - just like it did back in 1980 when we were all just hanging out back in the day,"Hammettsaid. "Me, recording a solo on their album was a huge thing for me. Other than theEXODUSdemo that's been heard by a lot of people, it's the only time I ever recorded withEXODUS. It was a huge thing for me."
He added: "I play a pretty cool solo, and thenGary[Holt,EXODUSguitarist] comes in and plays another solo, and you know what? I listened to that and thought, 'Wow, it's 1982 all over again and here we are,Garyand I are trying to cut each other's heads off with our guitar solos.' Nothing has changed much in the last 30 years. I love it. I love those guys. I've only known them for most of my life, so I'm really happy that I finally got to record with them."
Hammettwas a member ofEXODUS' original lineup before replacingDave MustaineinMETALLICAin 1983. In fact,Hammettwas not only the person who came up with theEXODUSname, but also the first from the band to meet originalEXODUSsingerPaul Baloffand brought him into the group.

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