EXODIA: New Album "Hellbringer" With The Collaboration Of Agr And Gateways Productions

Succesfull latin thrashers Exodia are back with a new album in collaborayion with Art Gates […]
February 19, 2014

Succesfull latin thrashers Exodia are back with a new album in collaborayion with Art Gates Records y Gateways Productions.

The new album of the band is entitled "Hellbringer" and it consists in the most complex, frantic and aggressive opus of Exodia to date.

The cover artwork has been designed by the artist Juanjo Castellano, which previously worked with Exodia in their previous "Slow Death".

The album includes de luxe collaborations from Possessed y Mutant Squad!!!

"Hellbringer's" tracklist is composed by the next tracks:

1- Wicked seed
2- Infected hate
3- Shout the nations
4- 150% Attitude
5- Anesthetics (With Daniel Gonzalez/Possessed)
6- Go!
7- Future generations
8- The Train of death
9- The Town of no return (With Pla Vinseiro/Mutant Squad)
10- The Art of drinking

Art Gates Press
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