EXES FOR EYES: Announce #ThePlatinumProject; Selling A Million Albums For $1 Only

Toronto, ON based metal outfitEXES FOR EYESfounded by lead vocalist Big James (Endast, Authors) and […]
December 10, 2014

Toronto, ON based metal outfitEXES FOR EYESfounded by lead vocalist Big James (Endast, Authors) and guitarist/ vocalistDave Sheldon (ex Man With Target, Annihilator)have just unleashed their new album 'Tongues Like Figure Eights'(out December 9th) with the challenge to fans and the metal community to help a fully independent band reach Platinum status with one million digital copies sold.
"The idea is to sell the concept of a new business model for independent bands as much as it is about selling the album." comments vocalist James Arsenian.

To get your digital copy of 'Tongues Like Figure Eights',please visitthefollowing linkhereand watch#THEPLATINUMPROJECT promo videohere:

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Featuring eleven assaulting tracks that include guest appearances by Bjorn Strid of Soilwork, Lisa Sinner of Out of The Ruins and Dominic Cifarelli of Chronicles of IsrafelScars On Broadway,'Tongues Like Figure Eights'was produced by EFE guitarist Dave Sheldon tofollow up 2011's debut album 'The Amsler Grid'.
Exes For Eyes is:
Big James Arsenian - Vocals
Dave Sheldon Guitars - Guitars, Vocals
Graham Porter- Bass
Aaron Spink - Drums

Jon Asher
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