Ex-Hellacopters guitarist Robert Dahlqvist launches "Solo" pre-orders

SWEDEN - Ex-Hellacopters guitarist, Robert Dahlqvist, recently announced his debut solo effort, aptly named Solo, […]
By Zarto
August 12, 2013

SWEDEN - Ex-Hellacopters guitarist, Robert Dahlqvist, recently announced his debut solo effort, aptly named Solo, out October 2, 2013 on Despotz Records. Dahlqvist and Despotz have now launched Solo CD, vinyl and CD/vinyl bundle package pre-orders, available online at: https://despotz.bigcartel.com/artist/robert-dahlqvist.

Said Dahlqvist, "After ten years with the Hellacopters and four years with Dundertåget and a variety of freelance jobs, it is now time for me to release my first solo album. I can, from the bottom of my heart to say, that I have never been this proud of some music I made - feels like a life's work, everything from the music to the lyrics and production."

1. Jag Va Kött Och Blod
2. Det Tog En Lång Tid
3. Redo Nån Gång
4. Vi Tar Båten
5. Ingrid Isabel
6. Sneseglaren
7. Inte En Dag
8. Ta Det Kallt
9. Det E Hon
10. Ej Med Flit
11. Åker Tåg

With vocals sung entirely in Swedish, Solo was recorded, mixed and produced by Björn Olsson (Union Carbide Productions, The Soundtrack of our Lives), a process that has been two years in the making.

"Songs that I've worked with for two years," added Dahlqvist. "A time that has gone up and down emotionally for me, and that is why the songs have a very personal and fragile sense of themselves.

"Björn has been extremely careful and sensitive throughout the shoot, but in no way has it been difficult to record. It cannot be anything better than to record music with a friend and be friends through the whole process, it has actually never happened before."

Dahlqvist will unveil a new track, "Inte En Dag," later this month. Stay tuned to www.despotz.se for more information.

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