ETCHED IN STONE Team Up With Metal Underground To Premiere New Track, 'Paragraph II'
June 18, 2014
Central California's Etched In Stone are gearing up to make their return with a brand new full length album, The Failure of Modern Man, which is set for release next Tuesday, June 24, 2014. In anticipation of the forthcoming sophomore release, the band has teamed up with Metal Underground to premiere the song, "Paragraph II." Check it out at this location.
Etched In Stone vocalist/producer Brian Lewis, had the following to say about the lyrical inspiration for the track:
"Paragraph II was one of the first songs written for this record and the majority of the lyrics are adapted from the second paragraph of The United States Declaration of Independence. In a day in age such as our own, where civil liberties are being sacrificed everyday for the sake of "security," it just seemed fitting that this song remind the free American people of their right to openly spit in the face of the injustice that is the growing police state. Accountability is obviously scarce at the top, and it should be held there before anywhere else.
With growing military and prison industrial complexes, it is clear that the motives behind our government are no longer the preservation of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for it's citizens, but simply profiteering - even at the extreme cost of domestic surveilance and micro-management. George Orwell was simply 30 years early. The over all theme of this album is very political, which is a new direction for us lyrically, but it's important to voice one's opinions about current affairs if one hopes to incite any kind of change - My hope is that this record will inspire people to question everything, to take back their freedom and mostly, turn off their goddamned TV."
Another single from the album, "Only Silent, Still," was recently premiered via Ghost Cult Magazine and can be streamed at this location.
Despite the many setbacks the band has dealt with since the release of their debut album, Etched In Stone have carried on, refining their sound and recording their follow up as time and finances allowed. The recording process was wrapped up in Spring 2014, with Jesse "Fioren" Quintero handling mixing and mastering at The Ice Chamber Studios in Modesto, CA.
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