ENTRAILS: Announce New Album for 2019 and New Line Up!

ENTRAILS will enter the studio very soon to record the 6th album that should face […]
February 28, 2019

ENTRAILS will enter the studio very soon to record the 6th album that should face the World in late 2019 and by that continue to spread even more true Swedish old school Death Metal.

ENTRAILS also announces the addition of two new band members. Both Freddy and Marcus decided to leave the band to have more time for their families. Jimmy and Penki did some tryouts to find the right guys to bring back the old ENTRAILS spirit. They succeeded and the new guys are Arvid Borg on drums, known from CARNEUS and Markus Svensson on guitars, some might know him from the band Nuclear Salvation.

Comments ENTRAILS: "Of course it's not good to change members each year, but what can you do. If the guys can't come up with the necessary time and energy we won't force them to stay. Still we wish them all the best and are happy to welcome two new guys that will bring fresh blood to the band. The guys are learning fast and we can already deliver a full live-set. We are in good spirits that we can bring back the sound and feeling we might have lost over the last few years."

23/03/19 SE - Ryd - Bandstationen
11/04/19 AT - Graz - Club Q
12/04/19 AT - Wien - Escape Room
10/05/19 DE - Bochum Rockpalast (with Lifeless and Mortals Path)
11/05/19 DE - Ahrensburg - Holsteiner Deathfest
12/10/19 SE - Stockholm - Scandinavia Deathfest

Jimmy Lundqvist - guitars
Penki Samuelsson - vocals/bass
Markus Svensson - guitars
Arvid Borg - drums


Kyle Scott

Andy Turner
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