ENTHRING: The Symphonic Death Metal Band Looks For A New Guitarist

As our era with Petteri is left behind, we naturally need a new guitarist. If […]
March 26, 2014

As our era with Petteri is left behind, we naturally need a new guitarist. If you feel like you are up to the task after this list of requirements, please send us an email to enthring@hotmail.com and we can talk further.

Desired qualities:
- Over 18 years old and has completed the military service in a way or another
- Skills high enough to fluently play the existing songs
- You own the requireditems needed to fulfill your role
- Skills in singing are not a requirement but a big bonus, both clean & growl
- Living in an area from where you can travel for rehearsals in Tampere approx. once a month
- Will to participate also on other necessary sectors than just playing
- English or Finnish as language


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