ENIO NICOLINI: In preparation "Mr.bassman & friends", the draft bassist of The Black

In preparation for a new recording project starring Enio Nicolini, bassist ok Mario "The Black" […]
February 9, 2015

In preparation for a new recording project starring Enio Nicolini, bassist ok Mario "The Black" Di Donato. "Mr.bassman & friends", this is the new project of the musician Abruzzo, which will be completely made up of bass, drums and vocals. "Mr.bassman & friends" unlike the previous Sloe Gin, will host ten guests of great artistic, broken down by each song. Among these is the presence of official Zaher Zorgati (Myrath -Tunisia) among foreigners, while among the Italians gave their wormwood project Giacomo Gigantelli (Danger Zone), Luciano Palermi (UnrealTerror), Tiziana Radis (SacretTales) and Ben Spinazzola (Prime terget). In the coming weeks will be announced the names of the other international guests. A short instead will be made official the name of the label that will handle production of the disc. The promotion will instead be taken care of by Mazzarella Press Office.

Mazzarella Press Office
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