EDGUY ' TV performance at boxing match, Live on German National TV
April 26, 2014
They are one of the most successful German Metal exports and at the same time huge boxing fans. Now EDGUY will rock Berlin "Velodrom" on May 3rd and help boxing world champion Arthur Abraham to defend his title against the competing Nikola Sjekloca (live on German National TV "ARD").
EDGUY, who are currently taking the German charts - with their latest album "Space Police ' Defenders Of The Crown" - by storm, have chosen a suitable song to perform for the entry of the super middleweight world champion.
Vocalist and EDGUY-mastermind Tobias Sammet commented as follows: "We want to give Arthur an awesome walk-in. Thus we have chosen the song 'Love Tyger' from our new record that will give both the audience as well as Arthur an uplifting spirit on his way to the ring."
Even the subtitle of the brand new EDGUY release ' Defenders Of The Crown ' goes along perfectly to the Berlin fight night of Arthur Abraham, according to Sammet. Especially since WM competitor Nikola Sjekloca has been bragging about being the next "King" with his victory over Abraham for weeks and that he will crown himself as "Nikola the I.".
"This won't work. King Arthur will of course defeat his crown successfully and Sjekloca will go home empty-handed. We are completely sure about this", Sammet says.
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