DYING GORGEOUS LIES: Release 360 VR Video.

For their new single "From The Ashes/Hellfire", DYING GORGEOUS LIES and their Wasteland Clan shot […]
March 15, 2019

For their new single "From The Ashes/Hellfire", DYING GORGEOUS LIES and their Wasteland Clan shot a very special 360° VR video, which is now available for your viewing pleasure at:

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The band comments: "Find the classic story of Romeo and Juliet set in a post-apocalyptic scenario, where two antagonizing tribes try to kill the young love. Since this is a VR video YOU play the role of Romeo, so take a look around you and discover what's going on!"

You'll be able to change the viewing angle and explore the video on your desktop computer if you place the cursor in the video, click and hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor. Do the same with your finger instead in the official YouTube app.

The song is taken from the upcoming album "The Hunter And The Prey" - mixed and mastered by Charles Greywolf - that will be released next Friday on Massacre Records. With the addition of keyboardist/piano player Jay'Na D., the new songs turned out to be more open and melodic without losing its heaviness. And Liz's voice is even more brutal and versatile than before!

DYING GORGEOUS LIES' new album "The Hunter And The Prey" will be available as CD Digipak and digitally! Get it here " https://lnk.to/dglhunterprey
The band recently announced dates for the upcoming The Hunter And The Prey Tour 2019 that are available below.

[Note: 360° VR videos are best watched in the latest version of Chrome, Opera, Firefox, MS Edge or the YT app. Please note that the video may take longer to load.]

The Hunter And The Prey
out on March 22, 2019 via Massacre Records

1. From The Ashes / Hellfire
2. We Are The Apocalypse
3. Revolution Day
4. !And As The Bombs Fell
5. Fatal Craving
6. New World Order
7. Ancient Tales
8. Beast Mode
9. Greetings From Aleppo
10. Sweet Taste Of Lies



The Hunter And The Prey Tour 2019

29.03.2019 DE Hildesheim - Thav
30.03.2019 DE Kiel - Hochbunker
05.04.2019 DE Lichtenfels - Paunchy Cats
13.04.2019 DE Selb - Schützenverein Bavaria e.V.
20.04.2019 DE Hamburg - MarX
26.04.2019 DE München - 8 Below Club
04.05.2019 CH Basel - redrocks
11.05.2019 AT Wien - Café Carina
15.05.2019 DE Düsseldorf - Pitcher
18.05.2019 DE Flensburg - Roxy


Massacre Records
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