DRONES FOR QUEENS To Release "Practically Weapons" 7inch via Riff Lifter Media‏

Philadelphia-based speed metal grindersDRONES FOR QUEENShave announced their upcoming 7inch"Practically Weapons", will be released March […]
February 12, 2015

Philadelphia-based speed metal grindersDRONES FOR QUEENShave announced their upcoming 7inch"Practically Weapons", will be released March 10, 2015 viaRiff Lifter Media. The 4-song EP will be pressed on white vinyl and limited to 300 copies. Pre-orders are availablehere.

"Practically Weapons" was recorded in Aug 2014 bySteve Roche (Stinking Lizaveta, Rat Healer, Nightfall, Witch Hunt, Serpent Throne)atPermanent Hearing Damagein Philadelphia. The EP was then mastered byDan RandallatMammoth Sound Mastering.

Featuring ex-members ofWoe, Woods of Ypres, and current members ofThe Green Evening Requiem, Population Zero, andDirt Worshipper,DRONES FOR QUEENS previously released a split 7" out withOccult 45, as well as a cassette EP("Health")in 2012. Their music has been described as "hard hitting D-Beat with complex riffage"(New Noise Magazine), "blistering double-kick drumming, and a strong melodic sensibility"(Exclaim), "hard hitting, hook laden music that takes no prisoners"(The Monolith), and as a "solid mix of metal and punk with traditional elements combined with some emerging nuances"(Blow The Scene).

DRONES FOR QUEENS is comprised of guitarist/vocalistShane Madden, drummer Evan Madden, and bassistBob Stokes. The band will announce US tour dates later this year

Blackout PR
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