DRÅPSNATT signs with Nordvis

With 2014 already looking like a very good year, having released new material from STILLA […]
April 15, 2014

With 2014 already looking like a very good year, having released new material from STILLA and SKOGEN up 'til now, today we can proudly present the signing of DRÅPSNATT. The duo from northern Sweden have three albums to their name before signing on with NORDVIS; 2009′s "I Denna Skog", 2010′s "Hymner till Undergången" and the 2012 release "Skelepht" with all three having garnered critical acclaim for their atmospheric, sombre black metal that pays homage to the nature and grim folklore of their Scandinavian roots. With the band and NORDVIS sharing close geographical ties, this deal is a natural step forward for both parties.

Besides procuring the rights for two upcoming albums, the first of which is planned to be recorded in the summer of 2014, the deal also means that their 2010 album "Hymner till Undergången" will be re-released by NORDVIS in the coming months. Stay tuned for more news regarding this in the near future!

DRÅPSNATT has made the following statement:

"Some time has passed since we really felt that we had anything to share with all of you. The plans to record a fourth album became postponed due to us finding ourselves in some strange state of not knowing if we had a label or not. As you know, we are no longer bound to Frostscald Records and even though we ' needless to say ' were annoyed with the situation, there is no bad blood or hard feelings between us, atleast not for our part.

So, what's the news, you might ask?! Well, brace yourselves. We are proud to say that we are from here on signed by Nordvis Produktion. We have known about these guys for some time, partly because they also reside in the woodlands of our hometown Skelepht, but also because they have made quite a reputation for themselves by having high quality (rather than high quantity) bands.

We are thus proud and honored to join the same ranks as STILLA, LUSTRE, SKOGEN, LÖNNDOM, GRIFT, BERGRAVEN and LIK."

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