DRAGONFIRE OF FIRE: Heroic music video competition winner of fire announced

DRAGONFIRE OF FIRE, a band that is obviously born to reign and are destined for […]
September 18, 2015

DRAGONFIRE OF FIRE, a band that is obviously born to reign and are destined for heroic victory and eternal glory have picked the winner in the video competition they announced last month. Here's the winner announcement in the bands own words:

"The competition submissions have been coming at us like arrows in battle! One does not simply choose a winner among all these heroic and honorable submissions easily.. However, together with the horse and the spirit of the mighty stallion we have now crowned the winner: a truly epic and powerful music video of glory and honor made by "Blodhundarna"!

Thanks to all of you that sent us your submission and may the horse be with you!"

Link to the music video: https://youtu.be/pdkI68eGzHQ


Dragonfire of Fire
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