DIGMETALWORLD opens its catalog to the public

NY metal distributor that specializes on the promotion of South American Metal Bands, DIGMETALWORLD Records […]
April 11, 2014

NY metal distributor that specializes on the promotion of South American Metal Bands, DIGMETALWORLD Records have recently announced that 75% of its catalog on its official download page on Bandcamp has become available for free download from March, 31, 2014.

Get your digital copy on almost all the albums at the following location: https://goo.gl/UL6WK0

Owner/CEO Ignacio Orellana explains:

' Due the current state of the music business, we hope that all the people such as 'new media sites, djs, reviewers, promorers, everybody' can join us on our new way of promotion. Every album on our catalog its already on iTunes, Spotify, etc, etc... but what we really would like to see, are comments and thoughts of the fans and metal music alike. We are happy to have real quality metal music for you all, so if you are interested at all, here we are and get your digital copy from us directly and not from a piratebay, torrent or pirate blog.'

Despite that there was a small amount of bands that did not agreed on the company's new strategy, the public in general would have now the chance to download big number of metal albums that are not available in the North America. More information about the albums and bands, can be found at: https://music.digmetalworld.com

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