DIE APOKALYPTISCHEN REITER: tourtrailer released and fanvoting started

They are back! Unadjusted and controversial, tough but warm, excessive and unique. Kicking off their […]
September 3, 2014

They are back! Unadjusted and controversial, tough but warm, excessive and unique. Kicking off their "Die Welt ist tief" headliner tour October 02, 2014

DIE APOKALYPTISCHEN REITER have now released a tour trailer, which is available to watch at the following link:

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Furthermore the band starts a fan voting, coving you the chance to pick your favorite song of DIE APOKALYPTISCHEN REITER for the setlist.

Commented the band:

"We are totally looking forward to being on tour again. Almost 20 years of the band are a reason to celebrate.
We're planning a run of songs with just classics to be remembered and that we haven't played live in a long time. Which ones we will play on tour, you can decide.The top 5 of your voting will be included in the our program so you can visit a number of shows with a new setlist each night."

You find the voting at this destination: https://bit.ly/Y85v3p. The voting ends on Sunday, September 14, 2014.

Nuclear Blast
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