DEPLOYED SOLDIER: wins Foghat Songwriting Contest

Deployed U.S. Soldier wins Foghat Songwriting Contest* *Foghat has always been a people's band. And […]
March 18, 2014

Deployed U.S. Soldier wins Foghat Songwriting Contest*

*Foghat has always been a people's band. And thanks to the explosion ofsocial media, Foghat has made it a point to get their fans involved in the
creative process. Case in point, inviting fans to enter a songwriting contest toadd lyrics to a new Foghat instrumental! *

*The band has remained a classic rock radio staple since the early 1970's,due to such anthems as "I Just Want To Make Love To You", "Slow Ride" and "Foolfor the City" and such classic albums as the double platinum certified 'FoghatLive.' They held a contest last year asking fans to add lyrics to their one andonly all-instrumental tune, "495 Boogie," from their latest 2010 CD, 'Last TrainHome.' The contest entries were narrowed down to the final three and then put upfor voting by the fans. The first place winner, Phil Dessinger wrote a songdubbed "THE WORD OF ROCK N' ROLL," which was released on July 9, 2013. *

*The contest was very close so the band decided to release 'BOOGIE TRAIN'the 2nd place winner on March 25, 2014.

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