DEMONICAL: To tour Finland in June 2014

The Swedish death metal battalion DEMONICAL will do a short tour through Finland in early […]
March 26, 2014

The Swedish death metal battalion DEMONICAL will do a short tour through Finland in early June. Support will come from the Finnish
death-thrashers I SAW RED and various local acts. The dates and details:

DEMONICAL + I SAW RED - Darkness Unbound Finland tour 2014
04.06 (FIN) Lahti - Torvi
05.06 (FIN) Helsinki - PRKL Club
06.06 (FIN) Pori - Monttu
07.06 (FIN) Turku - Klubi

"We will once again sail east for some death metal darkness. As always when it comes to touring Finland, we are confident this will be a new unforgettable journey in decadence and madness!"
// Sverker Widgren (DEMONICAL)

Info about support acts etc can be found at the official Facebook event:
Tour poster:

Dreamtide Music
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