DELIRIUM: Release New Video "Urkraft."

German pagan metallers Delirium have published a video for the title-track of their upcoming album, […]
March 28, 2019

German pagan metallers Delirium have published a video for the title-track of their upcoming album, "Urkraft". Set to be released on April 12th via MDD Records, the band's sophomore album combines the finest pagan metal with black metal chaos and rock riffs, featuring a lot of devotion for great melodies. "Urkraft" was mixed and mastered by Travos (Thormesis), who also contributed with some guest vocals. "Urkraft" can now be pre-ordered at the MDD Shop!

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1. Panzerreiter
2. Mitternacht im Teufelsgrund
3. Der schwarze Jobst II - Die Rache
4. Der Meistertrunk
5. Moosweibla
6. Ewiglich in Stein
7. Die Mühlhex
8. Urkraft

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