DEFIANCE: Call It Quits

With over 25 years on their backs, US thrashers DEFIANCE have officially called it quits. […]
By Zarto
January 10, 2012

With over 25 years on their backs, US thrashers DEFIANCE have officially called it quits.

Guitarist Jim Adams has post the following statement: "Hey All! Jim Adams here, I imagine it won't be a surprise to anyone who might read this that Defiance is no longer a band. After coming to the realization that the music industry was falling apart, and without the internal bond that Defiance had in back in their heydays, it was decided (by me) to shut down all activities to avoid being completely financially wiped out.

Steve and Mark both put it best when they each told me that "we did what we promised we would do, and that was finish this album for Doug." Having some time to think about what that really means, I have come to agree completely with them. The job is done. Doug is gone, and with him, really! Defiance.

I have since moved on and joined SEVERED FIFTH and will be releasing a full length album in February 2012, entitled Liberate

To everyone who supported and followed Defiance over the last 25 years, we would like to thank you. Without the fans, we would have just been 5 knuckleheads destroying our hearing and our livers in some basement in Oakland."


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