DEEP SUN: Release Lyric Video for First Single

The Swiss symphonic metal band DEEP SUN has released a lyric video for the first […]
March 21, 2019

The Swiss symphonic metal band DEEP SUN has released a lyric video for the first single from the upcoming album Das Erbe der Welt today!

Enjoy the lyric video for the new single "Heroes" on

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You can stream the single on most streaming platforms too, of course.

The upcoming album will be released on April 26th via Massacre Records, and includes 12 varied songs with thrilling melodies and surprising twists and turns. Pre-order it here "

Das Erbe der Welt was mixed and mastered by Markus Teske at Bazement Studio. Stefan Heilemann is responsible for the album's artwork.

1. Relentless Resistance
2. Heroes
3. Insurrection of Technology
4. Worship the Warship
5. Abandon Cyberspace
6. Das Erbe der Welt
7. Super New World
8. Vertigo
9. Go for the Kill
10. My Darkness
11. Frozen Sea
12. The Raven

Deep Sun by Stefan Heilemann

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Kyle Scott

Anja-Massacre Records
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