DEATH WOLF: new 7" single out June 9, 2014 ' European pre-order up now

DEATH WOLF will release a new vinyl / digital single via Century Media Records, under […]
May 18, 2014

DEATH WOLF will release a new vinyl / digital single via Century Media Records, under exclusive license from Blooddawn Productions, on June 9, 2014 containing ferocious yet dark crust/metal tunes wetting your wolfish appetite for the next album. The band comments:

"After two albums under the DEATH WOLF banner, the band now returns after touring both the USA and Europe in support of their latest album "II: Black Armoured Death" (2013) with a strictly limited 7" featuring 3 brand-new hymns. It bears the title "Liksj�ns Drickare" which can be translated to "The Drinker of the Corpse Lake".
All the songs are performed in Swedish language, a one-time opportunity as the next album will be sung in English again. So, get your hands on it while you can as it is strictly limited to 500 copies worldwide. Currently, the band is in the studio finalizing their third album set to be released towards the end of summer! The title for the album and more info will be posted shortly..."

The single features the following track-listing:
Side A
Sotd�d (= "Soot Death")
Svart Solsken (= "Black Sunlight")

Side B
Liksj�ns Drickare (= "The Drinker of the Corpse Lake")

You can now pre-order the 7" single via CM Distro Europe:

Century Media Records
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