DARKNESS DIVIDED: Premiere "Eternal Thirst" Music Video via Decibel

Devout metal band DARKNESS DIVIDED have partnered with Decibel Magazine to release the latest video […]
December 30, 2014

Devout metal band DARKNESS DIVIDED have partnered with Decibel Magazine to release the latest video for 'Eternal Thirst', from their heralded debut album Written In Blood. The release from the San Antonio quartet pushed the experimental envelope and gave the world of heavy music a much needed stir, with a sound so vicious you'd think it was sent from a less-than-heavenly place.

"'Eternal Thirst' is our favorite song off of the record", states vocalist Gerard Mora. "With it being one of the darker songs, we wanted something visually captivating and we were super excited to go and shoot a video for it. Hope you enjoy it!"

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