DARKEND: Announce Participation In Nokturnal Mortum Tribute Album.

Italian extreme ritual metallers DARKEND reveal their participation inthe Nokturnal Mortum 22nd anniversary tribute album […]
January 9, 2015

Italian extreme ritual metallers DARKEND reveal their participation inthe Nokturnal Mortum 22nd anniversary tribute album with an incendiary
rendition of "The Forgotten Ages Of Victory" including the performanceon keyboards and orchestral arrangements by past band member, composerand multi-instrumentalist SATURIOUS.

The commemorative project features only a handful of select bands,further names, titles and release date are still kept secret.

Meanwhile, DARKEND are well into recording their new album, set to bereleased in 2015, also featuring performances by some of the pillarsof the old school black metal scene.

Link to the original song:

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