DAMNATION FESTIVAL 2018: Six More Names Announced.

UK grind kings NAPALM DEATH and death metal legends ENTOMBED AD and VADER have been […]
July 30, 2018

UK grind kings NAPALM DEATH and death metal legends ENTOMBED AD and VADER have been added to Damnation Festival. The heavyweight trio top a solid bill which already boasts exclusive sets by Ihsahn, Batushka, Celeste and Mourning Beloveth as well as performances by the likes of Anaal Nathrakh, The Ocean and NeObliviscaris, hosted over four stages at Leeds University Union on Saturday, November 3.

Heavy riff worshippers OHHMS, progressive black metallers A FOREST OF STARS and emerging hardcore outfit LEECHED also join the bill.

The line up so far is: Napalm Death, Ihsahn, Entombed AD, Vader, Anaal Nathrakh, Batushka, The Ocean, NeObliviscaris, Celeste, Rosetta, Ghost Bath, Mourning Beloveth, Saor, Fukpig, Arabrot, Caligula's Horse, A Forest of Stars, Mol, Insanity Alert and Leeched, with six bands still to be announced for the 14th edition of the festival.

Tickets, priced £43, are on sale now fromhttps://damnationfestival.co.uk andhttps://facebook.com/damnationfestival


Pioneer Music Press
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