CROWBAR: Return To Europe In 2015

New Orleans heavy weight champions, CROWBAR, are coming back to Europe. Their 10thalbum "Symmetry In […]
December 8, 2014

New Orleans heavy weight champions, CROWBAR, are coming back to Europe. Their 10thalbum "Symmetry In Black" was released in May 2014 and is seeing its fair share of critical praise. Metal Hammer UK declares in a 9 out of 10 review:"Pound for pound, riff for riff, this is stone cold classic!" Metal blogger masterminds at Metalsucks went as far to say "It's no surprise that it's excellent, but what is a surprise is just how excellent it is."

So don't miss to see the greatness of Kirk Windstein and his boys in 2015. No sleep 'til Burg! In the meantime enjoy the latest video for "Symmetry In White".The clip was helmed byMike HolderbeastofCement Level Studios(High On Fire, Eyehategod), who previously directed the band's video for the track"Walk With Knowledge Wisely".
Click here to watch "Symmetry In White":

German fans should use this link:

13.02.2015Tilburg ' 013, Netherlands
14.02. 2015 Ieper ' Ieperfest, Belgium
20.02. 2015 Vevey - Rocking Chair, Switzerland
21.02. 2015 Aarau ' Kiff, Switzerland
22.02. 2015 Lindau - Club Vaudville, (Germany
24.02. 2015 Krakow ' Fabryka, Poland
25.02. 2015 Gdynia ' Ucho, Poland
26.02. 2015 Berlin - So36, Germany
27.02. 2015 Prague ' 007, Czech Rebuplic
28.02. 2015 Brno ' Melodka, Czech Republic
02.03. 2015 Vienna - Viper Room, Germany
03.03. 2015 Debreden - Roncs Bar, Hungary
04.03. 2015 Bucharest ' Fabrica, Romania
05.03. 2015 Sofia - Mixtape 5, Bulgaria
07.03. 2015 Zagreb - Vintage Industrial Bar, Croatia
08.03. 2015 München ' Kranhalle, Germany

More dates and info in support bands to be announced soon.

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