CONVOCATION: New album "Ashes Coalesce" - Pre-Orders now finally available!

We are tremendously excited we can finally announce the 2nd coming of CONVOCATION! After the […]
May 25, 2020

We are tremendously excited we can finally announce the 2nd coming of CONVOCATION! After the critically acclaimed "Scars Across", the finnish Doom Death band (feat. members of Desolate Shrine and Dark Buddha Rising) delivers once again bleak yet majestic peaks of funereal doom death. ASHES COALESCE is an album of contrasts and confusion, beautiful yet horrifying.

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"If CONVOCATION debut was a foggy yet claustrophobic dive into the abyss, this new album sees them reaching out for the surface, only to see the remaining lights fading away on a lost, desperate world." (Olivier "Zoltar" Badin/Zero Tolerance)

For fans of Esoteric, Disembowelment, Evoken and Skepticism.
The Album will be available in CD / VINYL / DIGITAL from JULY 3rd 2020.
(Colored vinyl already sold out)

Also available in bundle with a T-shirt designed by Misanthropic Art (artist for Dismember, Asphyx, Funebrarum among the others)



Everlasting Spew Records
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