CONTROVERSIAL: Announce Album Details for "Revelation."

CONTROVERSIAL - REVELATION. Out 24th October - Independent Release. FFO: Whitechapel, Carnifex, The Black Dahlia […]
September 10, 2019

CONTROVERSIAL - REVELATION. Out 24th October - Independent Release. FFO: Whitechapel, Carnifex, The Black Dahlia Murder

Track List:

Tales of a Shattered Youth
Modern Era
Unicode +1F648
Behind The Sun
Fault Finder


"[Controversial] don't just possess the brutal, ruthless hardness of a kitten catapult; they also play sophisticated, intelligent and beautiful music. "Beautiful" [may seem like] a very banal word, but in this case it's such a wonderfully true one!"
- Stormbringer AT

" much potential that I can't think of any reason why they shouldn't be playing in the opening act of larger genre bands, or even being offered a record deal. Controversial opinion?
I'm sure after hearing [the band's] 'Inhuman', critics will come to a common
denominator: This debut is inhumanely good!"
- Allschools

"These five guys orient themselves on a modern death metal sound[...], which turns out in a great mix of brutality (fast-paced parts and groovy breakdowns give themselves the clinch) and melody"
- Metal Hammer Germany

Fast, sinister, hard and brutal, German technical death metal quintet Controversial are thrilled to announce details of their forthcoming sophomore studio album 'Revelation'!

Releasing independently on 24th October, the forthcoming follow-up to Controversial's 2014 debut 'Inhuman' seeks to further drive the band's mission to deliver a fierce, high-tempo brand of metal that combines a tight, crushing sense of tension with dark, highly emotive themes.

An unexplained childhood trauma, the horrific truth of poverty in parts of South Africa, humanity's struggle to resist the temptation to commit evil deeds and a song that calls out to German philosopher and poet Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche!'Revelation' serves not only as the title of Controversial's upcoming record, but perhaps also as an apt description of it. As band vocalist Jonas Langhammer's guttural vocals spread out across the album's twelve tracks, observations are made that will undoubtedly give listeners - both young and old - pause to reflect upon a number of societal issues.


"Writing this album was a challenge for me,'' comments Langhammer, " because in a way, 'Revelation' reveals some very personal things about myself, and carries a critical message. A lot of things have changed in our lives since the release of 'Inhuman', and even during the time we worked on this record. Some good, some bad. It's cathartic for me to address these areas, and helps to close some chapters of my personal life. The album covers some dark territory, but there is a positive message that comes through it."

Having mixed and mastered 'Revelation' in his own studio, Controversial guitarist Emil Richters explains:

"For me, the creation of 'Revelation' was so much more than just writing new music. Normally, I wouldn't recommend doing everything in-house, as it can be really hard to evaluate the product and you'll never be completely satisfied. But not this time. There isn't a single track on this record I don't like, even though some of them are more than 10 years old! "Modern era" and "Fault finder" were written when I was 17, but somehow they fit extremely well into the whole dark, doomy and evil feeling of this record. I'm a bit worried that we are not able to top it with future releases!"

News of Controversial's upcoming studio album arrives just a few weeks before the quintet prepare to lay siege upon the stages of Germany's Burnout Festival in Nienburg on 28th September, and Cologne's Euroblast Festival the following day, on the 29th September.

'Revelation' will release on 24th October, with pre-orders available right now via Bandcamp.


Jonas Langhammer - Vocals
Emil Richters - Guitar
Hendrik Peetz - Guitar
Lukas Mehnert - Bass
Sven Schröder - Drums


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