CONQUER: Offer Free EP Download 'A Worms Demise'

Canadian blackened death metal band CONQUER are offering fans a FREE download of their three […]
December 5, 2014

Canadian blackened death metal band CONQUER are offering fans a FREE download of their three song debut EP 'A Worms Demise', out today, December 2nd at the following link here.

"Our vision of Extreme unapologetic music to you. Long live Metal!" comments vocalist Devlin Anderson.

The Oshawa, ON based band was originally created by vocalist Devlin Anderson as a one man black metal project, which has now grown to a full onslaught of blackened death with an influence of thrash featuring drummer Simon Oukhine, Ryan White on crushing guitar in the vein of classic Celtic Frost influence along with ex-Left Hand Creation bassist Rob Holden and his extreme groove.

1. A Worms Demise (5:23)
2. Hell's First Born (4:59)
3. God Is The Destroyer (5:43)
EP Length: 16:06

Cara Ashbey - Intern Publicist
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