CONFESSION: "March 23" Video Released
December 12, 2014
To give you another smasher before the end of the year Australia's metalcore desmonds CONFESSION have revealed the video for 'March 23' taken from the band's latest release "Life and Death", which was released earlier this year through Lifeforce Records in Europe (Resist Records in Australia, Mediaskare in the U.S.).
Click here to watch the 'March 23' video:

CONFESSION'S third full-length "Life And Death" is a sonic journey through the last 2 years of front man,Michael Crafter's life; a political yet incredibly personal account, working through the multi-faceted issues that come with births, deaths, illnesses, friendships and love. Life can be tough and inequitable. But there is no way to stop fighting and to deal with the inevitable: "Life and Death"!
The album illustrates the cycle ' starting with life and ending with death. No euphemistic words ' just pure and real emotion. Or in Crafter's words: "No more fucking fear!"
Recorded in California with renowned engineer Dan Castleman (As I Lay Dying, Impending Doom), these are CONFESSION's realest, most accomplished compositions to date.
Started in 2008, CONFESSION became known for being one of Aussies most consequent mosh-band within no time. Fronted by Michael Crafter, a key player in the hardcore scene who earned his stripes as founding member of I Killed The Prom Queen, CONFESSION have laid out 11 of their most accomplished tracks to date, further bolstered with contributions from the best of modern metallers; Ahren Stringer and Joel Birch of The Amity Affliction, Adrian Fitipaldes of Northlane and Karl Schubach of Misery Signals.
The heavy and hard-hitting songs, which are to find on "Life and Death" can be called metalcore and are played with a hardcore-attitude. Contrary to its antecessor "The Long Way Home" CONFESSIONs third full length consists a dull ambience that arises from the lyrical content.
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