COLD SNAP: Release New Music Video For "Silent Killer"

COLD SNAP have partnered with to release their new music video for the song […]
January 8, 2015

COLD SNAP have partnered with to release their new music video for the song 'Silent Killer'. The song comes off their third studio album 'World War 3', slated for release on January 13. In this video, the members of Cold Snap are held captive like rats by a mad scientist in his laboratory. He tries to poison them, however! the band fight back with their music! The video may be viewed here:

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"From my point of view, a silent killer lives inside every one of us as our conscience. With most people, whenever they do something bad their conscience will haunt them until they manage to straighten things up" says bass guitarist Zoran 'Zoki' Ernoic. "Some people however, simply do not have a conscience, and therefore karma always must step in and get them in the end." The video was directed by Tin Majnaric of MMstudio23, and filmed in the band's hometown of Varazdin, Croatia. Vocalist Jan Kerekes continues, "We also had a small problem with the cockroaches, they are fast little critters and they don`t give a hoot about being on camera. They kept escaping and hiding from us!"

The song is the second single from the band's third studio album, 'World War 3' which is being released on January 13 by Eclipse Records (Mushroomhead, Bobaflex, A Breach of Silence). It contains 12 intense tracks which were produced by the iconic Danish metal producer, Tue Madsen (Suicide Silence, Sick of it All, Mnemic, Dir En Grey), and is currently available for pre-order from iTunes.

Eclipse Records
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