CLOCKWORK REVOLUTION: New Video "Test My Pride."
September 20, 2018
CLOCKWORK REVOLUTION, featuring former members of Yngwie Malmsteen, Crimson Glory and Kamelot have released a new music video "Test My Pride" from their debut album which was released via Sonic Night Music Club.
CLOCKWORK REVOLUTION is drummer Patrick Johansson (W.A.S.P., Yngwie Malmsteen) singer Wade Black (Leatherwolf, Crimson Glory), bassist Dirk Van Tilborg (Alias, Kamelot), and guitarist Dewayne Hart (Kinlin) delivering a powerful sound that draws from both modern and classic metal. Its' debut is packed full of straight forward metal that comes directly from the heart delivering an explosive mixture.
New Video: Test My Pride

"Clockwork Revolution have made an impressive debut album. Right from the opening track the metal comes fast and furious with rapid fire drums and guitar riffs" Jon Neudorf ' Sea of Tranquility
"Now, this is a total ass-kicking rock n roll band with tons of wicked, heavy riffs that are totally catchy and memorable. You consider yourself a fan of rock n roll, then this is a must get." Chris Forbes ' BallBuster Music
"Clockwork Revolution is everything you can expect from a group of seasoned top musicians like this one. Be sure to listen!you will not be disappointed." Jori ' Lords of Metal
"Clockwork Revolution is the kind of Metal that should be made today. With bands like Accept waving this sort of pared-down Metal style flag and updating everything great about '80s Heavy Metal while bringing it into today. Clockwork Revolution just fits that mold." Derric Miller ' Hard Rock Haven
This band kicks a lot of ass. It is straight forward metal coming directly from the heart. It's great to see a band combining elements of modern and traditional metal in such an explosive mixture." ' Heavy Metal Underdogs
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