CASKET: 2015 / 25 - years of Flesh Ripping Death Metal

Next year we will celebrate our 25 years Band anniversaryTherefore, we are planing an appropriate […]
December 11, 2014

Next year we will celebrate our 25 years Band anniversaryTherefore, we are planing an appropriate Tour

31.10.2014 Video Release "CASKETBALL"

We want to raise horns to all the ghouls'n'girls who made this visual interpretation of our old smash hit possible - you totally rule!!!

Devour, enjoy & spread this at will!!!

18.01.2014 NERSINGEN, Zombie Winter Rituals III
15.02.2014 NÃœRTINGEN, JUHA
22.02.2014 SUHL, Promillebar Bullet
15.03.2014 KUSEL, Haus der Jugend
19.04.2014 WISMAR, Fellfresse
20.04.2014 ROSTOCK, Alte Zuckerfabrik
10.05.2014 PIRMASENS, Hongafeast IV
21.06.2014 UTTENHOFEN, Aaargh Festival Vol. X
04.07.2014 MÖSSINGEN, Jugendhaus M
05.07.2014 CH-BASEL, JUZ Neubad
02.08.2014 SALZGITTER, Full Metal Trout Festival
20.09.2014 ZWICKAU, On The Rock's
18.10.2014 EISENBERG, Slaughterhouse
22.11.2014 REUTLINGEN, Piece of Loin Festival Vol. VI

19.12.2014 ILMENAU, Baracke 5
20.12.2014 WEIßENBURG, TSV 1860 Sportheim
17.01.2015 NERSINGEN, Zombie Winter Rituals IV
14.02.2015 REUTLINGEN, Kaiserhalle
14.03.2015 CH-SIEBNEN, District 28
27.03.2015 tba
28.03.2015 BALINGEN, Deadbangers Night III
04.04.2015 REUTLINGEN, RepresenT Festival
18.04.2015 LÃœBBENAU, Kulturhof
09.05.2015 BAD FRANKENHAUSEN, White Pig
06.06.2015 GÖTTINGEN, Underground Remains Open Air Fest
04.07.2015 A-4644 Scharnstein, Sick Midsummer Open Air Fest
10.07.2015 STUTTGART, JVA / S-Stammheim
10.09.2015 LIMERICK, IRLAND t.b.a.
11.09.2015 BELFAST, IRLAND t.b.a.
12.09.2015 DUBLIN, IRLAND t.b.a.
26.09.2015 SAARBRÃœCKEN, Devil's Place
21.11.2015 REUTLINGEN, Piece of Loin Festival Vol. VII

1991 Demo "'Ne Vollkanne" (self-released)
1993 Demo "Demo '93" (self-released)
1994 Demo "Endtime" (self-released)
1996 Demo "Meant To Be Dead" (Chaos Magazine)
1998 CD "Under The Surface" (self-released)
2002 Promo "Faces Of The Dead/ Still Warm" (CD-R)
2008 Digi-CD "Upright Decay" (MDD Records)
2009 Vinyl-LP "Upright Decay" (Joe Black Records)
2013 Digi-CD "Undead Soil" Release 18.Januar (Blow Jack Records)
2013 LP-Release "Undead Soil" (Joe Black Records).

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