BORN OF FIRE: Official video to "Tears" published

The US Metal Band BORN OF FIRE has released a new video for the song […]
January 28, 2015

The US Metal Band BORN OF FIRE has released a new video for the song "Tears". The Song is from the album "Dead Winter Sun", which was released on CD and on digital download in November by Pure Steel Records. The album will be also release on 13th February 2015 on vinyl.

Tears star Tarah McDaniel, an experienced professional actress known for her appearances in The Hangover Part 3, Blood Ink: The Tavalou Tales, and television series MegaBitch.
Statment von Steve Dorssom:

"This is a side of BOF that no one has seen before. It's a very chilling, sad story we are telling with our visuals- backed with an amazing dreamy acoustical heart felt piece. We hope the fans can feel it and enjoy it."

Directed by: Steve Dorssom
DP & Editor: Christopher Sheffield
Cast: Tarah McDaniel and BORN OF FIRE

Gordon Tittsworth - vocals
Booby Chavez - guitars
Victor Morell - guitars & keyboards
Michael Wolff - bass guitar
Steve Dorssom ' drums


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